It is quite blowy today… Kev and I lean into the winds and fight the "eddies", as we pass road trains eagerly making our way towards this magical coastal town named Esperance. Last September Kev and I were originally on our way here to watch whales give birth! It is not baby whale season now, but as you feast your eyes on the amazing clear turquoise waters of this area you can understand why these wise creatures choose such a majestic location to birth their calves.
The aboriginal name for this area is Kepa Kurl, "the place where waters lay down like a boomerang". Once experiencing this area you will always want to come back!…Ha ha ha, I had to throw that one in because it fit, and, it is so true. The beaches will absolutely blow your mind! Fine pristine white sandy beaches with cool clear turquoise waters lapping up against them makes you feel as though you have been stranded on a secluded Caribbean island. These fine sand beaches have been named the whitest in Australia and it is absolutely impossible no to stop, strip off and take dip. By far my favorite ride in Esperance is the Great Ocean Drive, it is only 40 kilometers long but sure packs a wallop!
We pull up to a seafront Caravan Park and decide to stay 2 nights. Kev and I enjoyed camping and sharing stories with our neighbors Baz, the 65 year old bicyclist, cycling around Oz and a fellow adventure rider from Ballarat, Victoria riding a Suzuki DR650 making his way to Bunbury, Western Australia to see his mate.
First glimpse of the Esperance coastline, W
Cat enjoying a VB @ camp!
Nine Mile Beach Esperance, WA
One of the many gorgeous beaches along the Esperance coast.
Chatting with Baz @ brekky
It is always amazing to run into other adventurists and share stories, even if it is only for 30 minutes or so!