Crikey!…Is that rain I feel?…Sure enough a surprise downpour hits our campsite. Kev and I scamper around trying to get our gear out of the rain. Looks like it is going to be an early night!
We woke to a beautifully dry crisp and clear beachside morning, a great start to our journey across the Nullarbor. As Kev and I pack up camp I notice a couple of things are missing from our folding macro table! Hmmm, looks as though our pineapple, apples and citronella candles have been stolen. We have watched crabs and frogs visit our campsite but these items are way too heavy to be moved by them. Ahh, looks as though we have been raided by a roo!….Too funny, I actually spy the citronella candle deep in the brush, probably smelled good, but tasted waxy…ha ha ha.
It is 7:30 am and we are on our way...
Kev and I have been tossing up whether to cut off the corner of the ride up to the Nullarbor Plain and take the dirt 4wd, Balladonia Track. The problem is that Kev's bike does not have any tank guards to protect his new tank, and if he goes down…Murphy's Law says," if you go down you will hit a rock and bust your tank!" We decide to make the decision after traveling dirt up to the trail. Kev and I both look at each other after the short jaunt in and decide it is not worth the risk and turn left instead of right!
I am kind of bummed for the first 10 minutes, and I know that Kev is too, but a town called Salmon Gums has got me intrigued and we will be riding through it today! Well, there is not much to Salmon Gums, a servo, couple of shops and hundreds and hundreds of beautiful salmon trunk colored gum trees! We continue riding and make a right at Norseman, the gateway to the Nullarbor Plain…Alrighty, here we go!
Petrol is $2.16 per liter at Balladonia, OUCH!!!!, if the wind continues to blow like this, I will be filling up every 150 clicks Would you believe it that Balladonia 's claim to fame all happened in 1979 when it was showered with pieces of the US space station "Sky Lab" as it fell to earth!
We cross the longest straight stretch of highway in Australia, pass through Caiguna, Cocklebiddy, and Madura… "Alright have you had enough?", Kev radio's! Buggared and weary we pull off at set up camp in the bush at Moodini Bluff. We did 897 kilometers today!
Beware...Big Critters!
It can be lonely on the Nullarbo! is pretty darn straight, in fact it all was pretty straight!! Sure squared off the tires!
We covered a lot of miles today.
Finally calling it a day we bush camp @ Moodini Bluff