August 13, 2012…Mataranka

Fresh camel tracks through the camp, gibberish budgies, peeping finches and a couple of nasty crows graced our morning.  We ate brekky, packed up the site, loaded the bikes and hit the road.  We rode up on Daly Waters by the late morning and decided to stop by the famous Daly Waters Pub for a light lunch.  The pub reeked of Aussie bush wackiness and the bar was already beginning to warm up at 11:30am!

It would have been a great place to hang, and maybe we should have… we decided to head on out to the thermal springs perking in the capital of "Never Never" for a soak.

The bush was burning off and on as we moved closer towards Mataranka.  I enjoy the sight and smells of the burns, the colors and rawness and complete country package it brings to the rides!

Kev and I changed into our togs and walked through the messy palm treed forest towards the springs.  The water was warm, clear and very relaxing….Ahh we soaked for a couple of hours, becoming more lethargic as the time passed.

Daly Waters Pub