Stately sliver grey Brolga's were camouflaged in the dry grassy wetlands as we rode through the Queensland outback today. You actually saw the red patches on their heads, before the full bird. Being that they are a large crane like bird up to 4 ft tall it was quite a sight when there was a flock!
Riding deeper into the outback the countryside was greener than I had expected. I was surprised to see yellow and pink flowering Eucalyptus most of the way.
Warning signs started to frequently pop up warning you that road trains travel in this area and are 50 meters long…I hoped for road train encounters on the 2 laned stretches of road instead of the single lane of bitumen, and I was in luck only one fast train today! It did happen on the single stretch of course…I pulled off the road completely and held on while that swerving last car whooshed by!…Crikey!
There were a lot of "whoop de do's" today…you know when the road goes up and down and leaves your stomach up! We set up camp around 4pm…were lucky to get a camp site in Cloncurry. The rodeo was in town and the towns don't have enough housing for the mining industry so the overflow is camping. Yea Ha!
Cat standing next to a model of Krys the largest crocodile ever captured at 28 ft, 4 in.
Krys was caught by Krystina Pawloski in July, 1957.
Sizing up a road train!