A gorgeous day, I think that we have seen the last of the rain for a while…fingers crossed! We will be riding to Alligator Creek today which is part of the Bowling Green Bay National Park. Our camping space is reserved, all was sorted, and we were feeling very rested from our couple of days at sea . It was a fairly uneventful and relaxed day of riding. The Queensland Government have cleverly posted trivia signs along the roadside to keep you alert…we decided to play along! "What is the name of Queensland's state flower?"….Hummm, I'm thinking the bird of paradise, Kev is impressed at my answer, I'm pretty impressed too! Now I'm looking for the answer sign…50 kms, 100 kms, 150 kms, 200 kilometers…no sign, no answer, no fair!!! We pulled into our site around 3pm and we were all gung-ho to set up camp. Bonus, our site has a picnic table... that will definitely make life easier!! Wallabies hopped by us pausing for a moment to check out what we were doing, bush turkeys darted around haphazardly like there tails were on fire, I was thrilled with this very amusing free bush entertainment. The Ranger stopped by and invited us to a presentation later that night…cool movies under the stars!…more free entertainment! Kev and I explored the nearby creek, wondering if alligators lived there, and, if they did could they make it up the steep embankment to the tent before starting on us for dinner. Later we learned that there were no alligators in this creek…phew. We enjoyed the Rangers presentation, discussion and the mixed group of people that showed up that night to learn about park and surrounding area.
Bush turkey at Alligator Creek.