Onto Queenstown today. Once again it is hard for me to put into words the amazing scenery that we traveled through! This country side is so dynamic, I already have a ton of photos to go through…the beauty and curse of digital photography..ha ha ha! Queenstown is located on Lake Wakatiou, an "S" shaped lake. As we rode the gentle curves around the lake into the township I could not help think that this reminds me of a small Colorado, postcard perfect! It definitely had an alpine and outdoorsy feel about it. There were bright para-sailers playing on the thermals, sailboats on the lake, mountain bikers choofing it up the hills and jet boats racing the Shotover river, very cool! We stopped by a grocery store to pick up some groceries for the next couple of days then Navi guided us onto our Holiday Park cabin. This cabin was very cute, and the largest that we have had so far. The temperature was dropping fast, so we headed to the shower block for hot showers before cooking our dinner in the community kitchen. On the menu tonight was fresh local pork chops, with the crackle still attached, steamed carrots, new potatoes, fresh broccoli and green beans. You sure work up an appetite, and a home cooked meal tastes wonderful! The next morning we decided to check out the cute township of Queenstown, and ended up spending the whole day there. It is a bustling, energetic and young township. We did a little frugal shopping, we don't have much space for souvenirs and enjoyed the rhythm of the town. I would definitely go back to Queenstown!