Arriving in New Zealand...March 27, 2012

The flight from SFO to Auckland was great!  When we checked in at the Air New Zealand ticket counter, the clerk offered us lounge acess...WOW what a treat!  The food and wine spread was really nice, is was a great way to chill and kill 4 hours before our flight.  

Ya is such a small world!!!  We were chatting with a Kiwi there in the lounge, and he proceded to tell us about a business associate that had shipped his Harley over to the States, rode to Sturgis, then onto 18 other states.  Kev and I looked at each other, we could not believe what we were hearing!!! We shared drinks and stories with this group of Kiwis when we rode out to Sturgis from California, just amazing.  We hope to catch up with them while we are here in New Zealand.  

It was a fantastic flight!  The staff was just awesome, there was hardly any chop...gotta love that! 12 1/2 hours later we were landing in Auckland.  No hassels through customs...all I had to declare was dried miso soup, no worries!!

In a wobbly daze we caught the connecting flight to Dunedin.  Who has time for sleeping, this is all too exciting!
We managed to stuff our 4 boxes into a taxi, and enjoy the ride to our flat located in the City Center of Dunedin. 

It was a bright beautiful crisp day, perfect for riding!  We have to go and pick up the bikes...I'm nervous though! If we have to, we could ride a couple blocks then stop...just take it slow and easy...we are going for it!

We turned on the bike nav that had traveled with us and started to walk towards the docks where the bikes were being stored.  Robbie (the guy that had arranged our shipping) picked us up as we were walking.  It was great to put a face to someone we that we had just trusted outright with our bikes!  The bikes cleared customs and agriculture with no problems...I was kind of expecting one violation??

The bikes looked great and started right up!  The only word that was on my mind now was LEFT!

LEFT LEFT LEFT!  A tad jet lag challenged, we slowly pulled away from the shipping yards...Man did it feel great to be back on the bikes...Left left left!!!....Left, left, left!!

I cannot believe that we are here!  I cannot believe that our bikes are here!  Are we crazy??